Are you interested in being one of 6 lucky winners from our #25WatershedMoments giveaway? Some of the exciting prizes include PWA merch, a 400$ guided Fundy tour thanks to Explore Nature’s Bounty, 200$ worth of vouchers for the La Station workspace, and more!!

To enter all you have to do is post a photo from one of the following sites on Facebook or Instagram, tag us, and use #25watershedmoments

longitude/latitude coordinates can be copied and pasted into google maps! This list will continue to be updated throughout the summer.

1.) The Moncton causeway: 46.06640289497568, -64.80741550421267

2.) Dobson Trail: Riverview trailhead 46.04114031866224, -64.78651911029614

3.) Jhonson’s Mills: 45.834082609462214, -64.51150523162653

4.) Any access point to the Petitcodiac River (historic salmon habitat): Includes the Moncton and Riverview Riverfront trails, Moncton Waterfront Park, and any other point along the Petitcodiac

5.) One of our many rain gardens–some of the most accessible include:

  • Centennial Park 46.08479132070972, -64.81758327403335
  • Community Hub on Joyce 46.117332445655926, -64.78111669985338
  • NBCC parking lot 46.10789373958163, -64.83054619559584
  • Redwater playground -64.767991 46.074064

6.) Gordon Falls: 45.784343357682424, -65.09431390871211

7.) Phragmites infestations: along the Moncton and Riverview Riverfront trails. Our first removal site (as seen on CBCAtlantic) is located at: 46.080692, -64.767413

8.) Our planted forest of 2000 trees is located on school grounds. So instead, post a picture with your favorite tree!

9.) White Rock Recreation Park in Hillsborough (amazing mountain biking terrain): 45.90957513128176, -64.66084924442089

10.) Head over to Bore Park in Moncton to watch the Tidal Bore: 46.090164609779805, -64.77094578724368

11.) Mill Creek Nature Park in Riverview: 46.058234486623796, -64.76321819780931

Êtes-vous intéressé(e) à être l’un(e) des heureux(ses) gagnant(e)s de notre concours estival gratuit #25watershedmoments ? Parmi les prix à gagner, il y a des produits dérivés de PWA, une visite guidée de Fundy d’une valeur de 400 $ grâce à Explore Nature’s Bounty, des bons d’une valeur de 200 $ pour l’espace de travail La Station, et bien plus encore !

Pour participer, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de poster une photo de l’un des sites suivants sur Facebook ou Instagram, de nous taguer et d’utiliser #25watershedmoments.

les coordonnées longitude/latitude peuvent être copiées et collées dans google maps !

1.) Pont-jetée de Moncton : 46.06640289497568, -64.80741550421267

2.) Le sentier Dobson: Riverview trailhead 46.04114031866224, -64.78651911029614

3.) Jhonson’s Mills: 45.834082609462214, -64.51150523162653

4.) La rivière Petitcodiac: Includes the Moncton and Riverview Riverfront trails, Moncton Waterfront Park, and any other point along the Petitcodiac

5.) Jardins pluviaux:

  • Parc du Centenaire: 46.08479132070972, -64.81758327403335
  • Community Hub on Joyce: 46.117332445655926, -64.78111669985338
  • NBCC: 46.10789373958163, -64.83054619559584
  • Terrain de jeu de Redwater: -64.767991 46.074064

6.) Gordon Falls: 45.784343357682424, -65.09431390871211

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