We have a lot of exciting plans for the spring field season, starting with the installation of outflow chutes for the Broken Brooks project. These structures, constructed by the metal fabrication department of NBCC Moncton, will be installed on problematic culverts to enhance their passability for migrating fish species, such as Atlantic salmon. We would like to thank NBWTF, ETF and FCAS to make this project possible! To learn more about the Broken Brooks Project, please read our past report or this blog on the subject of digger logs!
Outflow chute installed in the Pollet river tributary in 2019
Additionally, we will be performing maintenance at our 19 rain gardens including the installation of educational signs at some of these locations to help visitors understand the utility of green infrastructures and it’s numerous benefits. We want to thank GCC, ETF and ECCC for making this project possible.
Rain garden educational sign
Following the completion of the first year of innovative experimentation and learning, we are eager to continue the Living Labs project. The primary goal of the Living Labs project is to study the impact of farmlands on carbon levels, water quality and on the composition of macroinvertebrates found in nearby water systems. We want to thank RBC for helping us making this project possible. Please read more about the topic on the Living Labs Project website.
Our Living Labs macroinvertebrate composition analysis site from 2023
Furthermore, we are excited to welcome new interns—one from a local high school Co-op program and another from Mount Allison University. As summer rapidly approaches, we are about to welcome our annual influx of new staff to support our field season.
We are also excited to share some wonderful news with you! Thanks to the generous support of the Aster Foundation and the Community Services and Recovery Fund, we are embarking on a journey to bolster our volunteer program, enriching our capacity to work with our broad community to make a difference in the health of our watershed. If you would like to get more involved, please sign up to volunteer through our website here.
As always, check out our website for more information and reports. Let us know if any of our projects pop out to you as something you would like to get involved in. For more information on our projects, you can also subscribe to our social medias (Facebook and Instagram) and to our newsletter for updates!