The Jonathan Creek watershed area is 50 km². The middle and upper stretches of the creek are mostly forested areas, however there is an ever-increasing amount of development and construction in these areas.

Even in areas with silt fencing and check dams in place high sediment loads are still observed in Jonathan Creek during and after rainfall events and snowmelt. There are multiple stormwater outflow sites along Jonathan Creek that not only introduce water with high sediment loads but contributes to erosion along the creek banks. The sandy geology of Jonathan Creek’s banks are susceptible to higher erosion rates and times of rainfall cause large volumes of water to be transported to the creek.

The lower reach of Jonathan Creek flows into Centennial Park Pond and Jones Lake. The Centennial Park Pond serves as a major recreational area for residents in the Greater Moncton Area. There are two barriers in the lower reach of Jonathan Creek that occur at the outfalls of Centennial Park Pond and Jones Lake. Removal of these barriers would enhance fish passage to upper reaches of Jonathan Creek and should be considered by the City of Moncton. Because Jonathan Creek is an urban stream, many culverts are found from its headwaters to where it eventually flows into the Petitcodiac River.

The increase in development in Moncton’s North end decreases the area of permeable surfaces, causing greater volumes of water to be sent directly into Jonathan Creek. In addition to stormwater systems discharging runoff into Jonathan Creek, there are multiple sanitary and combined sewer overflow sites in Jones Lake, Centennial Pond, and the creek itself. These overflow sites bring both sanitary and stormwater into the receiving water body and, although diluted, the presence of raw sewage renders these waterways unfit for any human activity. At the lower end of Jonathan Creek, between Jones Lake and the mouth of the creek, residents’ houses have been flooded with these waters during large precipitation events due to an improperly sized culvert. This culvert is scheduled to be replaced in the fall of 2015, along with others which are scheduled over the next 2 years. We hope that modifications to this culvert and others mentioned will include the suggested removal of barriers to fish passage.

In the fall of 2013, the PWA, through the Department of Fisheries and Ocean’s Recreational Partnership Program, restored sections of Jonathan Creek using several in-stream restoration techniques. These included the removal of a log jam causing increased sedimentation build up and bank armouring along eroding banks. Several rock-sills were positioned in the creek to help establish a pool-riffle sequence to support fish habitat. During the summer of 2014 the PWA planted 300 trees in the middle reaches of Jonathan Creek as part of their continued efforts to improve the creek’s riparian areas and increase water quality. Jonathan Creek was also victim to the City of Moncton’s improperly remediated landfill, which saw leachate piped directly into the stream in 2003. This has since resulted in charges to the city and the consulting company, and has been properly remediated.

Water quality site name: Jonathan Creek @ Centennial Park Pond
Site code: JC
Coordinates: 46.08711, -64.81753

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